NOTAM 03/003 FVE closed 1630Z March 8, 2018 until 1730Z March 9, 2018 or until cancelled.
by manager
by manager
NOTAM 03/003 FVE closed 1630Z March 8, 2018 until 1730Z March 9, 2018 or until cancelled.
by manager
FVE Runway 14 photo documentation 08:22 March 8, 2018. No precipitation at the above time. 1322 Z weather: wind 070@15G25; OVC 1,500; OAT -03 C / 26 deg F. Runway bare and dry except for intermittent ice on the easterly side of the runway extending from the edge of the pavement up to 9′ toward the centerline or toward the westerly edge of the pavement.
by manager
FVE runway 14 picture documents bare and dry pavement at 09:04 March 7, 2018. There are intermittent patches of ice extending up to 10′ from the easterly edge of the pavement. OAT at 11:15 was reported as -03 C or 27 deg. F. Wind was 110@12G22. Sky condition was OVC 2,200.
by manager
FVE Runway 14 active at 0848 on March 6, 2018. We were finally able to blow the easterly side of the runway around 1300 today. The picture was not posted until 2045. At the time of this posting the wind was 100@13G18 and the OAT was -03 C / 27 deg F.
by manager
FVE Runway 14 active @ 08:10 EST. March 5, 2018. Wind 060@11G17 at 09:15 EST. Sky condition OVC 2,300. OAT -02 C / 28 deg F. Special condition reported: Approximately 3,000′ from the threshold of RWY 14 there was an icy patch 200′ long starting at the easterly edge of the runway and extending 50′ crossing the centerline toward the westerly edge of the runway.
by manager
FVE runway pictures March 4, 2018 time recorded as 0900. Runway 14 was active at 0900. The series of four pictures records the threshold of 14 and 32. There was a patch of ice contamination extending from the easterly edge of the runway out to the centerline approximately 150′ long 1500′ from the threshold of 32.
by manager
FVE Runway 32 March 2, 2018 4 pictures in series 1639 EST to 1644 EST. Plowed and swept. Black pavement has thin glaze of ice as of 1715 EST. Call 207-436-1379 for current condition report.
by manager
FVE we are back with Runway 32 active today Tuesday February 26, 2018. Picture was captured at 0727. OAT was 25 deg F. Wind was 290@11.
by manager
by manager
FVE Runway 14 now active @ 0820. Wind 160@08; OAT 16 deg F